Sample Family Agreement

A family agreement is a set of rules and expectations that family members agree to follow in order to create a harmonious and orderly environment in the home. It can be as simple or as complex as needed, depending on the family`s circumstances and needs.

To help you get started on creating your own family agreement, we`ve put together a sample family agreement that you can customize to suit your own needs and circumstances.

Sample Family Agreement:

1. Respect each other`s privacy. Knock before entering someone`s room, and don`t read others` diaries, journals, or texts without permission.

2. Maintain a clean and tidy home. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and helping with household chores.

3. Have open and honest communication. When an issue arises, talk about it calmly and respectfully. No name-calling or shouting.

4. Limit screen time. Everyone agrees to limit their use of devices during family time and to put phones away during meal times.

5. Respect each other`s opinions. It`s okay to disagree, but everyone should listen respectfully and avoid interrupting or talking over each other.

6. Be punctual. Everyone agrees to be on time for family events and appointments. If you`re going to be late, let someone know.

7. Share the workload. Everyone agrees to contribute to the home and to take turns with chores and responsibilities.

8. Eat as a family. Everyone agrees to sit down together for at least one meal per day.

9. Be responsible with money. Everyone agrees to be responsible with their own finances and to respect other family members` financial decisions.

10. Show appreciation and gratitude. Everyone agrees to show appreciation for one another and to say thank you when someone does something nice for them.

This sample family agreement is just a starting point – feel free to add or adjust items to suit your family`s needs. Remember, a family agreement is meant to help create a positive and respectful environment, and should be agreed upon by all members of the family.